
Erika Novak

About Erika Novak

Erika Novak, LinkedIn’s senior manager of global contingent workforce solutions and strategies

More Articles by Erika Novak

2609, 2017

Straight Talk: Know Whom You Work With

By |September 26th, 2017|

A combination of misplaced co-employment fears and invisibility cloaks shield contingent workforce professionals from seeing the sometimes darker side of staffing — the commoditization of people. The new world order of indentured servitude. But savvy managers are catching on.

We know that, while the majority of staffing suppliers run their businesses well and live up to […]

106, 2016

Straight Talk: Fishermen: Nets Need Not Apply

By |June 1st, 2016|

Email. We live and die by it. We receive hundreds a day and have to prioritize where to spend our time.

We don’t mean to ignore you, but sometimes you give us no choice. We receive countless uncustomized template sales emails and Inmails. The worst kind fall into the categories below:

Fake Vague Relationship. “Hey! It’s been too long! Remember that long convo we had that […]

102, 2014

Straight Talk From the Customer: Great Expectations

By |February 1st, 2014|

People ask all the time about our greatest wish of our suppliers. For me, it’s an absolutely simple but consistently overlooked skill that I want: project management. Project management resources and training are generally reserved for larger projects, i.e. a system or new program implementation. However, it’s often the medium to small projects or […]