May 2017

106, 2017

You Ask/We Answer

By |June 1st, 2017|

Question: When it comes to the human cloud, how many temporary workers are taking part in online services and online staffing?

Answer: As far as consumer-related human cloud services, such as Uber, research by Staffing Industry Analysts found 6% of temporary workers earned at least some income from them last year. Another 9% were considering using such services in […]

105, 2017

Trends That Matter: Rein It in

By |May 1st, 2017|

Developments from the Staffing Industry Daily News and The Staffing Stream to help you focus on emerging movements that could shape your business for the better.

A magnet with zig zag lines showing attraction on a chalk boardRein It in

New hire retention a key issue for […]

105, 2017

Miles to Go

By |May 1st, 2017|

It’s almost that time of year when those dreaded words will be uttered from backseats everywhere: Are we there yet? I remember enduring my family’s 17-hour drive from Texas to Pennsylvania — with no technology to entertain me. Kids nowadays have no idea how easy they actually have it. My daughter has deemed any trip […]

105, 2017

Benefit of Counsel: Double Exposure

By |May 1st, 2017|

When personal information stored on a computer is compromised or stolen, the potential for cyber liability arises. Staffing companies face a dual exposure — first from the information that internal employees handle, and second from the information that assigned personnel handle while working at clients. These risks become more pronounced when employees are working remotely.

According […]

105, 2017

Research Report: Balancing Act

By |May 1st, 2017|

A report published in the UK by Lancaster University’s Work Foundation predicts a tipping point will be reached next year where flexible working will become more common than working from an office.

While flexible working is on the rise, governments and organizations such as the International Labour Organisation are increasingly concerned by the prevalence of disguised […]

105, 2017

Where Are We Headed?

By |May 1st, 2017|

The near-future legal environment for the staffing industry depends largely, but not entirely, on the work of the Trump administration and the slight Republican majorities in Congress. President Trump expects to engage with Congress and with his own executive branch in the hope of producing pro-business changes beyond what the current politically divisive environment might […]

105, 2017

Changing Colors

By |May 1st, 2017|

Talent marketplaces, online staffing, crowdsourcing, human cloud — they all add up to an ever-increasing collection of terminology to describe the connection of people with work. And then there is the freelancer management system, or FMS, one of the now-venerable terms in this talent lexicon.

Staffing Industry Analysts defines FMS as “a cloud-based workforce management platform […]

105, 2017

Sponsored Content: The Old Order No More

By |May 1st, 2017|

Last month, the US hit the significant milestone of our president’s first 100 days in office. The first few months of the new administration have been marked by significant changes, and we can expect more to come. Employers and staffing professionals alike need to figure out how to navigate the changes associated with this government.

Jim […]

105, 2017

The Business of Safety

By |May 1st, 2017|

Over the years, temp worker accidents have been publicized with staffing firms and clients sometimes being castigated for violations at the client site. Some believe that temporary workers may be more likely to suffer injuries than directly hired workers. And some industry insiders argue that in many cases, it is the buyers of staffing services […]

105, 2017

Band Together

By |May 1st, 2017|

Small staffing companies are a challenge for insurance underwriters. When a company is small to midsize, the insurance risks they experience are far less predictable than those of larger companies. This is when the concept of buying power comes into play. Joining forces with several staffing companies to partner in purchasing health insurance is a […]