Who Runs the MSP?

Penny Queller says outsourcing an partner drives efficiency and continuous improvement in your program. Peggy O’Neill argues that in come situations an internally run contingent worker program is the best option.

ARGUMENT: Outsourced MSP can expand clients’ opportunities

An external managed service provider provides a vital connection to a constantly shifting market, serving as a valuable source of continuous improvement, lower costs and increased efficiency.MSP specialists bring clients the benefits of the latest market research, benchmarking and industry best practices. In the trenches of contingent workforce management every day, they serve clients in different industries and geographic regions, continually building their knowledge base. They know what works and what doesn’t, as well as what’s new across the CW management landscape. They have wide exposure to the accumulation of knowledge that comes from working with multiple organizations at different stages of program maturity, each with a different set of vendor interactions and workforce requirements.

Outsourced MSP partners offer the advantages and accountability of a shared services structure. They can spread the fixed costs of program support and performance reporting over multiple clients and have the flexibility to shift resources to meet fluctuating needs. MSP partners have relationships with multiple staffing vendors, giving them greater leverage in negotiating rates on behalf of clients. They are also in a better position to track — and influence — supplier performance across multiple contracts.

Outsourced MSP partners ensure their clients never put the brakes on continuous improvement. They expand clients’ opportunities for savings and efficiency improvements and ensure they can take advantage of industry advances.