
106, 2015

Selling Smart: Be Authentic

By |June 1st, 2015|

After being in sales for more than 20 years, I have sat across from many potential and active clients. Their typical approach to the early conversations are poised with body language that reflects reserve, distrust or words that are muddled with skepticism.

The role of a “salesperson” is to get them to take action on something […]

105, 2015

Perspective: Choose Wisely

By |May 1st, 2015|

Suppliers and buyers alike often complain about mismatching skills and services. Part of the problem is providers not being selective enough when it comes to participating in the RFP process to begin with. Providers should match their unique services and offerings against the requirements to build the most competitive option, but they should also be […]

103, 2015

Research Report: Are You Prepared?

By |March 1st, 2015|

Historical data indicate the next recession could strike soon

As anyone who worked in the staffing industry through the Great Recession is painfully aware, the industry gets crushed in recessions. It gets obliterated.From December 2007 to August 2009,temporary help employment contracted by 32%. The 2001 recession, despite being relatively mild and short-lived,also created real hardship in […]

102, 2015

Perspective: Think Again

By |February 1st, 2015|

Given our role in the midst of the staffing ecosystem, we at Staffing Industry Analysts have a pretty good idea of both the wisdom of the crowd and the persistent misconceptions about staffing for that same crowd. OK, so it’s not exactly true that every- thing you thought you knew about staffing is wrong, but […]